




NAA will hold a virtual event as a means to enhance collaboration ring the year. The benefits associated with this event are:

Webinar 1. Webinar access two times a year to be used by the partner to inform/train the membership on product line. 2. This will include providing statistical information on the performance of the webinar service for the partner to evaluate for future services. 3. Webinar platform and hosting to be provided and supported by sponsor. Podcast 1. Co-sponsor of two leadership Podcasts during the year. 2. Includes company branding of all Pre-event promotions.

1. Four/year ad related communications in Association Newsletter options. 2. One annual communication to 16,000 members with a listing of services and promotions from the company. 3. 75% reduced advertising rate on FBINAA media sources to include: a. Digital Magazine b. Digital Newsletter 4. Support media efforts via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media platforms both engage to highlight mutual efforts. 5. Complimentary advertising on FBINAA Connect App.

ty to engage four representatives. eated network portal with sponsor feature logo, contact information, bsite, link to collateral, link to video promotion, and cyber interaction dees. create up to 3-minute video message to play during event program. create video demo to play on sponsor spotlight platform (no time create pre-recorded 60-minute video presentation for on-demand eview. create video demo to play on sponsor spotlight platform (no time

sive e-promotion release to attendees. d feature e-promotion releases to attendees. and post attendee list. Analytic Summary.




NAA will hold a virtual event as a means to enhance collaboration ring the year. The benefits associated with this event are:

Webinar 1. Webinar access once a year to be used by the partner to inform/train the membership on product line. 2. One additional webinar at a 50% discount 3. This will include providing statistical information on the performance of the webinar service for the partner to evaluate for future services. 4. Webinar platform and hosting to be provided and supported by sponsor. Podcast 1. Co- Sponsor of one leadership Podcast during the year. 2. Includes company branding of all Pre-event promotions.

1. Three/year ad related communications in Association Newsletter options. 2. One annual communication to 16,000 members with a listing of services and promotions from the company. 3. 50% reduced advertising rate on FBINAA media sources to include:. a. Digital Magazine b. Digital Newsletter c. Social media - Facebook, Twitter 4. Support media efforts via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media platforms both engage to highlight mutual efforts. 5. Complimentary advertising on FBINAA Connect App.

ty to engage three representatives. eated network portal with sponsor feature logo, contact information, bsite, link to collateral, link to video promotion, and cyber interaction dees. create video demo to play on sponsor spotlight platform (no time

d feature e-promotion releases to attendees. and post attendee list. Analytic Summary.

t individual needs of the Strategic Alliance***

2 0 2 1 OV E R V I EW | F B I N AA

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