Associate Jan/Feb 2014
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“Success under Stress.” Dr. Melnick presented members with interac- tive practical and credible stress relieving tools for use in not only their professional life, but their personal life as well. Dr. Melnick’s instruction has been highly regarded by Fortune 500 companies and proved to excel in the area of law enforcement stressors as well. Tuesday’s instructor, an author and doctorate in psychology, and well known FBI Criminal profiler, Dr. James Reese , provided mem- bers with an entertaining, but insightful day of leadership and management training delivered with a sense of humor and wit. Dr. Reese has provided training and leadership direction to 350 of the Fortune 500 companies as well as many private and govern- ment leaders in the nation. His aptitude and knowledge of the topics he addresses cannot be overstated, and as expected this training brought many additional and useful tools to our local leaders. Montana Lt. Governor, John Walsh addressed the attend- ees and honored those in law enforcement at the evening banquet. Members were also honored and presented with pins for 5, 10, 15, and 20 or more years of membership. Introduction of the incoming President Steve Orr , 176th Session, Lewiston, Idaho, was made by outgoing President and Conference Host Dave Jeseritz , 226th Session. NEWMEXICO n On January 9, 2014, Ste- phen Frank Lagomarsino , 84th Session, NMSP Deputy Chief (retired), passed away at age 88. Deputy Chief Lagomarsino joined the NMSP in 1952 and was promoted to Deputy Chief in 1967 and retired from NMSP in 1978 after 26 years of service. Deputy Chief Lagomarsino at- continued on page 15
security of the Circuit Court as well as 8 District Courts. Clay is a 37 ½ year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office and has previously served throughout the entire agency.
Chief of Police for the Bartow Police Department. Deputy Chief Wyant is a graduate of the 231st Session. n Todd Garrison , 252nd Ses- sion was promoted to Captain with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office. n Chief Michael J. DeLeo , 219th Session, was sworn as the Chief of Police for Tallahassee Police Department on December 30, 2013. Chief DeLeo was the Deputy Chief of the Plantation Police Department. He began his career with the Plantation Police Department in 1994 as a patrol officer. During his career, he has served in the Patrol Division and Criminal Investigations Divi- sion and supervised the SWAT Unit, Street Crimes Unit, Crisis Response Team, Field Force Unit, Traffic Unit and K-9 Unit. Chief DeLeo was named an FBI Leader- ship Fellow in 2004 and spent six months in residence at the FBI Academy where he assisted in developing and delivering execu- tive law enforcement training around the world. ILLINOIS n Effective January 1, 2014, Ed Wodnicki , 118th Session, retired after almost 56 years in Law Enforcement. 33 1/2 years with the Chicago Police Dept. (Deputy Superintendent), 9 1/2 years with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County (Inspector General) and 12 1/2 years with the Cook County, Illinois Sheriff’s Dept. as the Executive Director of the Merit Board. KANSAS/W. MISSOURI n Captain Bob Cynova , Session 206, with the Jefferson City (MO) Police Department. He served 30 years with JCPD and retired officially on April 30, 2013!!
(KS) Police Department. He has served 37 years with Westwood and 26 years as Chief! He has a total of 40 years in law enforce- ment serving his community! n Major Thomas E. Roam , Ses- sion 226, with the Missouri State Highway Patrol. He has served 35 years with MSHP and serving the State of Missouri. Chapter held their annual business meeting on Friday, December 6th at Silks Restau- rant located on the grounds of Bulle Rock Golf Course in Havre de Grace, Maryland. During the meeting, Captain John Cam- panella of the Delaware State Police was elected as the Sgt. At Arms. F.B.I. Baltimore Field Office Special Agent in Charge Steven Vogt swore-in the new Chapter officers for the 2014 term. MARYLAND/DELAWARE n The Maryland/Delaware
(L-R) Dave Jeseritz, Dr. Sharon Melnick.
MONTANA/IDAHO n On September 22-25th, the Montana/Idaho Chapter held their annual conference at the Holiday Inn Downtown on the historic Last Chance Gulch walking mall in Helena, MT. The conference kicked off with a pas- senger train ride sponsored by Montana Rail Link and BNSF for all attendees, vendors, and their families. The 3 ½ hr. ride crossed the Continental Divide and afforded views of mountainous terrain and wildlife. The partici- pant’s journey was seen via the dome and other luxury cars to include the Santa Fe car which had the distinct honor of being the private quarters for Mamie Eisenhower as she escorted the body of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower fromWashington, D.C. to his final resting place in Abilene, Kansas. Training of- ficially kicked off Monday morn- ing with an opening ceremony featuring the Helena Police Department and Montana High- way Patrol Honor Guard posting the colors, followed by Helena High School student, Maddie Cormier ’s, beautiful rendition of the National Anthem. The first day of instruction was provided by New York author Sharon Melnick , PhD, who wrote
(L-R) John Campanella
MICHIGAN n Clay R. Jansson , Session 249, was
promoted to Captain at The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office on September 21, 2013. Clay is
Clay R. Jansson
in charge of the Sheriff’s Office Corrective Services – Satellites Division which is responsible for
n Chief Carlos “Corkey”Wells , Session 170, with Westwood
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