Associate May/Jun 2014
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Integrated Response continued from page 22
FBI NA Class 253: One Year Later continued from page 23
grated system that can achieve multiple objectives simultaneously. It appears that law enforcement response and knowledge of hemorrhage control will soon become a core law enforcement skill. Life threatening injuries during active shooter incidents are similar to those encountered in combat settings. Military experience has shown that the number one cause of preventable death in victims of penetrating trauma is hemorrhage. Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) pro- grams, when implemented with strong leadership support, have pro- duced dramatic reductions in preventable death. Recognizing that active shooter incidents can occur in any community, top officials across the country encourage the use of existing techniques and equipment, vali- dated by over a decade of well-documented clinical evidence. Contrary to popular belief, care of the victims is a shared respon- sibility between law enforcement, fire/rescue, and emergency medical services. The response to an active shooter and other mass casualty events is a continuum that requires coordination and training between law en- forcement and the medical/evacuation providers. As a result of collab- orative efforts among the emergency services sector, more than 36,000 police officers in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Houston, Phoenix, Dallas, New Orleans, Tampa, and Washington, DC, have received bleeding control kits and training. The next new paradigm shift has arrived. About the Author: Shahid Shabazz , CHPP, is a Security Specialist with the Sector Outreach and Programs Division, Office of Infrastructure Protection for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and a graduate of the 237th Session.
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