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A Challenging Time to be a Police Executive continued from page 14
of surplus military equipment and other similar items by civilian law enforcement authorities. Main stream media advanced this view while showing police personnel deploying in armored vehicles and wearing camo colored uniforms. Some media outlets who spoke of this over- militarization appeared quite fickle when they expressed contradictory assessments while providing commentary during unfolding events in San Bernardino, California. Officers there bravely risked their lives to apprehend the suspects who perpetrated the mass shooting that oc- curred in their community while supported by equipment that some would deem militaristic. Clearly the specialized equipment that was deployed during this apprehension significantly reduced the risks to law enforcement and civilians alike as they faced self-identified terror- ists armed with assault weapons and improvised explosive devices. The reaction may be more about the application of the equipment than the items themselves. Many police executives feel stymied as adversaries increasingly utilize military type equipment and tactics against police. Attacks using assault rifles, explosive devices and military tactics seem to be on a steady increase. How can these actions be effectively coun- tered in a manner that can protect officers and civilians alike without adversely affecting public opinion? Police departments should not be seen as an occupying force, but rather as part of the community as a whole, working cooperatively to improve the public’s way of life. When members of the department recognize that their citizenry fully supports and appreciates their ef- forts any reluctance to act when necessary should be reduced. When the public is directly engaged with their local law enforcement and be- lieve that all citizens are being treated fairly, feelings of police legitimacy should increase. When the police and the justice system are viewed as legitimate, people are willing to comply and cooperate with police and to obey the law. The public will see the merits of working within the system to resolve issues and crime reduction will become a joint effort. In an effort to foster transparency the police should endeavor to enlighten community members on the issues that the department faces and why they desire to employ certain pieces of equipment. The de- ployment of specialized equipment should be closely scrutinized and it should be limited solely to the purpose for which it was obtained. Departments that opt to obtain military surplus equipment should do so with deliberation and forethought, applying for equipment because it will meet identified gaps in capability and not accepting items solely because they are available at no cost. The need should precede the acquisition and not the converse. Consideration should also be given to how the community may react if a given piece of equipment is ob- tained, as well as exactly how and when it will be deployed. Former military equipment should be adapted so that it is clear that it has been repurposed for civilian law enforcement usage. This may include, for example, the removal of gun turrets; weaponry brack- ets; and repainting and marking of surplus vehicles so that they are unmistakably law enforcement units. If the department is transparent and takes the time to explain why the equipment was obtained, while limiting its usage to fulfilling that role, it is likely that opposition may be reduced or even eliminated. The public may actually appreciate the fact that their law enforcement agency is attempting to increase its ca-
pability to respond in a cost effective manner. If specialized equipment was obtained to fill an identified need, which is still valid, necessary and accepted by the local community, media criticism based upon the actions of others should not result in an overreaction or a reluctance to utilize items that will allow a department to better serve its community or keep its officers safe. The proliferation of twenty-four hour news shows, both local and national, creates a constant need for content. Savvy police executives can leverage this need to enhance community relations and the image of their departments. Media relations should be proactive, whenever pos- sible and not reactionary. Every effort should be made to highlight the good work performed by members of the department on a daily basis. Transparency should be a key consideration; after all if the department is part of the community, keeping the public informed of the work be- ing performed is critical. Media outlets that focus on hyper-local news create opportunities to highlight stories that didn’t exist in the past. Many people are interested in events that occur in their communities and neighborhoods that wouldn’t have otherwise been newsworthy. Social media can enable law enforcement agencies to keep the public informed in an unparalleled fashion. It can be a direct pipeline of in- formation, bypassing traditional media outlets, so that law enforcement can speak directly to the public that is serves. Effectively employing so- cial media can humanize police officers and demystify law enforcement work, affording the public with the ability to relate to the police in an unprecedented manner. While each new technology can have a benefit to society, it can also become a new means to commit crime. Unfortunately the criminal element is often able to exploit new technology to commit crime before police executives may even know about the technology. Police execu- tives must keep abreast of developing technology and the potential im- pact that it may have upon public safety. As traditional crimes continue to be committed, emerging technology can both impact the methods used to commit them and also create new opportunities for illegal con- duct, such a phishing, ransomware, and identity theft. Gone are the days of stealing late model vehicles through mechanical breaching of ignition locks. Car thieves are resorting to computer hacking to steal some newer vehicles. Rapidly identifying these trends and getting out in front of them is crucial. Mobile applications can spread like wildfire, creating new behaviors among the public. Enhanced reality games that involve people interacting with the real world while playing a game can cause usual and at times potentially dangerous behavior. As law enforcement budgets retract technology can help to offset reduced staffing levels. It can be used to improve efficiency and allow officers on patrol to be more effective in reducing crime. As the adage goes, knowledge is power. Providing patrol officers with ready access to real time data can allow them to focus their efforts to achieve maximum results. It is well known that a small minority of individuals commit a disproportionate amount of crime. Arming front line officers with tools to identify these individuals can have a very dramatic effect on crime. Providing mapping capability can allow officers to visualize where and when crime is occurring so that they are able to hone their efforts to maximize their results. Allowing the public to perform tasks on a de-
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