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food, beverages and Baseball.
The weather was absolutely
perfect and it was a great day!
Looking forward to next year’s
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame”
event in Camden Yards.
Chapter President
Greg Guiton
happy with the weather this
year as well as the huge turnout!
The Maryland/Delaware
Chapter of the FBI National
Academy Association held its
annual retrainer conference
Ocean City, Md. This April, ap-
proximately 86 members were
in attendance to participate
in two filled days of training
consisting of communication,
three case study reviews and
leadership discussions.
Assistant Chief
Jim deSully
Tigard Police will retire June
30th after 26 years. He is a
graduate of the 235th session
and a past president of the
Oregon Chapter.
Kent Barker
, Tualatin
PD will be retiring June 24th
Session 208. Please join us
in congratulating Chief Kent
Barker on a job well done and a
distinguished 34-year career in
law enforcement. Chief Barker
committed significant time and
energy to the Oregon Associa-
tion Chiefs of Police and to the
policing profession. Kent served
as President of the Oregon
Association Chiefs of Police for
2008-2009 and participated on
the OACP Board and numerous
committees during his career.
Kent was the OACP representa-
tive to the State Association of
Chiefs of Police (SACOP) and
recently concluded his term
as Vice President At Large for
the International Association
of Chiefs of Police (IACP). Chief
Barker also is concluding his
service on the Board on Public
Safety Standards and Training
where he currently serves as
The FBINAA Oregon Chapter
sponsored a
training day
April 20th at the Oregon Police
Academy. The photo is of the NA
graduates who were among the
Chapter President Greg Guiton, Janet Guiton, Paul Butler joining us from S.C, Sarah Ellison from Brek-
ford and Vice President John Campanella.
Members and Vendors gather for a photo prior to the banquet.
Oregon Chapter Training Day.
The Executive Board also joined in for a group photo. Melissa Zebley - Immediate Past President, Laura
O’Sullivan - Sgt-at-Arms, Greg Guiton - President, Scott Kolb - 2nd Vice President, John Campanella -
Vice President and Dan Galbraith-Treasurer.
2nd Vice President Scott Kolb and President Greg Guiton present guest speaker, Paul Butler (SC) with a
certificate of appreciation for his thought provoking presentation on Leadership for a Lifetime.