THE FBINAA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION YOUR GIFT MAKES A DIFFERENCE A s we leave the Thanksgiving holiday behind us with so much to be thankful for, our families look forward to
In this Season of Giving while reflecting on this past year, we hope you remember the FBINAA Charitable Foundation as one of your most treasured non-profits, assisting friends and colleagues who face financial challenges. Whether they suffer tragic loss of life, devastation from disaster, or costly medical issues, it is your Foundation's honor to be available to assist our members in such circumstances as well as through our college scholarship program. We know you have many choices in worthy law enforcement charities; however, we would ask you today to remember us with a donation. Your support goes a long way toward ensuring we have funding available to assist friends and colleagues in their time of need. Our ongoing needs continue to grow as our members face personal hardship and catastrophic events. Giving has made our Foundation what it is today, whether it be in volunteerism or donating necessary funds – THANK YOU! Please visit our website at www.FBINAAFoundation.org for additional information on the Foundation's great work or to donate to this very worthwhile charity. As a reminder, the Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) and your contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law. If we could be of any assistance or you need specific infor- mation, please contact your Section's Representative on the board or your Chapter officers. It is truly an honor for all of us on the Foundation Board to volunteer on behalf of such an amazing and gracious family. If you would like to volunteer to aid us in the mission of the Foundation, PLEASE let us know! We are currently in need of Foundation Good Will Ambassadors or anyone who has a knack for grant writing. The Foundation wishes you all a very blessed and safe holiday season. May God continue to bless those who protect our communities and our freedoms.
celebrating December holidays in their own special way. While many of us celebrate the season, there are also NA families experiencing pain, suffering a loss, or facing other challenges affecting their lives. Other NA families are rejoicing because their child was awarded a college scholarship by the NAA Charitable Foundation. Whether in joy or sorrow, these families have one thing in common: they ALL belong to the FBI National Academy family and were assisted by YOUR Charitable Foundation. Still, the Foundation needs your help! In 2018, the Foundation provided in excess of $55,000 to assist our NA members, and we are nearing that amount for 2019. With generosity and support frommany of you and our corporate friends, these families received financial aid when they needed it most. One of the greatest benefits of being part of this internationally renowned organization is the assistance available should you find yourself facing an impactful event. For years, companies like 5.11 Tactical and Laguna Strategic Advisors have made large monetary donations, and many of you have participated in our fundraising efforts through contests. Marriott Corporation has been very generous in donating a week at a resort in Kauai for several years run- ning. The current prize, a week's stay in a private residence in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), was donated by Tom McKown , owner of Forum Direct . Ed and Michela Fuller have provided the flights for these island getaways! Ed is the Co Founder of Laguna Strategic Advisors and he serves as a Director on the FBINAA Foundation Board, providing incredible insight and business acumen. Of note, the Kauai contests have sold out and have generated $20,000 for the Foundation each year! The BVI contest is nearly sold out as well... there is still time to get your tickets – visit www.FBINAAFoundation.org . In addition to participating in our contests, NA members have assisted by donating directly to a program fund, contribut- ing scholarship funds in their name, and joining the Founda- tion's Angel Sustaining Partner program . Prior named scholar- ship contributors ($1000) have included Max (Session 214) and Marilyn Santiago and the Florida Chapter; and for 2020, our National President Kevin (Session 223) and Lori Wingerson have generously donated a scholarship. An additional 20+ members have already contributed to the 2019 Angel Sustaining Partner ($250+) program, raising over $15,000. All these funds go directly to benefit our members through our programs and associated expenses.
"We exist because there is a member in need"
Mitch Mueller, Session 210 FBINAA Charitable Foundation Board Member Texas Chapter Board Member MitchMueller@FBINAAFoundation.org 682.404.0636
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