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F E A T U R E S 9 Meet FBINAA Association President Assistant Chief Kevin Wingerson 11 Phoenix, AZ Conference Highlights 14 2019 Community Engagement Legacy Gift 16 2019 Memory Roll 24 Youth Leadership Program
31 2019 Annual Conference Sponsors & Exhibitors
C O L U M N S 4 Association Perspective 5 National Office Update 7 Chapter Chat 15 A Message from Our Chaplain 19 Historian’s Spotlight 22 FBINAA Charitable Foundation 27 Academy News 28 Staying On the Yellow Brick Road
E A C H I S S U E 6 Strategic / Academic Alliances
EXECUTIVE BOARD Association President, Section I / KEVIN WINGERSON Assistant Chief, Pasadena Police Dept. (TX), kwingerson@fbinaa.org
Representative, Section IV / BILL CARBONE Lieutenant, New York City Police Department (NY), bcarbone@fbinaa.org
Representative, Section I / JIM GALLAGHER Commander, Phoenix Police Department (AZ), jgallagher@fbinaa.org
Past President / JOHNNIE ADAMS Chief, Santa Monica College (CA), jadams@fbinaa.org
Chaplain / JEFF KRUITHOFF Chief, City of Springboro (OH), jkruithoff@fbinaa.org
1st Vice President, Section III / JOE HELLEBRAND Chief, Brevard County Sheriff’s Office (FL), jhellebrand@fbinaa.org
Historian / CINDY REED Washington State Gambling Commission (ret.) creed@fbinaa.org
2nd Vice President, Section IV / KEN TRUVER Chief, Borough of Castle Shannon (PA), ktruver@fbinaa.org
FBI Assistant Director / DON ALWAY Assistant Director, National Academy Unit (VA)
3rd Vice President, Section I / TIM BRANIFF Undersheriff, Thurston County Sheriff’s Office (WA), tbraniff@fbinaa.org Representative, Section II / SCOTT RHOAD Chief/Director of Public Safety, University of Central Missouri (MO), srhoad@fbinaa.org Representative, Section III / GRADY SANFORD Chief Deputy, Forsyth County Sheriff's Office (GA), gsanford@fbinaa.org
Executive Director / HOWARD COOK FBINAA, Inc. National Office (VA), hcook@fbinaa.org
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July/August 2019 | Volume 21/Number 4 The National Academy Associate is a publication of the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc.
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Howard Cook / Executive Director, Managing Editor Suzy Kelly / Editor
© Copyright 2019, the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. Reproduction of any part of this magazine without express written permission is strictly prohibited.
The National Academy Associate is published bi-monthly by the FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., National Office, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA 22135.
Get your job posting in front of the strongest law enforcement leadership network in the world. FBI National Academy Associate members are active in our network, engaged in their careers, and open to new opportunities. Our network gives you the opportunity to reach senior law enforcement executives with an abundance of talent and experience. Our NEW Job Posting Board allows you to match your organization's position to the most qualified profession- als in the industry. REACH QUALIFIED LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTIVES TO JOIN YOUR TEAM
The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization and is not part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or acting on the FBI’s behalf. Email editorial submissions to Suzy Kelly: skelly@fbinaa.org. Submissions may vary in length from 500-2000 words, and shall not be submitted simultaneously to other publications. Email Chapter Chat submissions to Susan Naragon: snaragon@fbinaa.org by the 1st of every even month. The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc., the Executive Board and the editors of the National Academy Associate neither endorse nor guarantee completeness or accuracy of material used that is obtained from sources considered reliable, nor accept liability resulting from the adoption or use of any methods, procedures, recommendations, or statements recommended or implied.
Photographs are obtained from stock for enhancement of editorial content, but do not necessarily represent the editorial content within.
On the Cover: New Association President, Kevin Wingerson, Assistant Chief of Police, Pasadena Police Department, addresses the attendees of The FBINAA Annual Training Conference on July 23, 2019 after being sworn in as Association President.
To learn more about the FBINAA Job Posting Board, visit www.fbinaa.org .
Kevin Wingerson
D uring my Session, I had the opportunity, like all others who attend the National Academy, to receive first-class leadership training. Another import aspect of the academy was the ability to meet and network with law enforcement leaders from around the world. After graduating and returning home, I quickly realized the value in maintaining the many contacts I had acquired during my time at the academy. I wasn’t quite sure what it would look like initially; however, I knew I wanted to participate in our organiza- tion in some way. I was included in several discussions with the Texas Chapter as we were trying to ascertain exactly what our local Chapter was accomplishing for its members. Shortly after, I seized the opportunity to serve on the Texas Chapter Board and began to advertise the many valuable training opportunities, which is the primary purpose of our organization. I was initially responsible for setting up monthly lunches with speakers in the Houston, Texas, region. Also, as a member of the Texas Chapter Board, we were awarded the 2012 National Conference. Prior to the conference, I was asked by the Texas Chapter to run for the National Executive Board – a great honor. I was fortunate to be elected in 2012 and began my official term in January 2013. One of the initiatives that I wish to continue to pursue is Of- ficer Safety and Wellness. Past President Barry Thomas launched this initiative as President. Upon its inception, then President Thomas appointed me as the Chairman of the committee. You see, Barry and I were in the same Session, #223. Like everyone who attended the NA, I was having the best experience of my professional career, until tragedy struck. With two weeks remain- ing in our session, my roommate, without warning, took his own life. I had never experienced such heartbreak, not just in my professional life but also in my personal life – I felt lost. I remem- ber saying, “We don’t do this.” This experience challenged me as I began to research, spending hours in the library to educate myself by answering a complicated question: “Why?” I discovered that I was inexperienced and had not realized the frequency in which the same tragedy occurs within the law enforcement profession nationwide. Suicides in law enforcement actually happen more than felonious and accidental line-of-duty deaths. I put a presentation together to educate those who, like myself, were uninformed about this particular topic. Knowing this, Barry assigned me to the committee. To date, we have made tremendous strides toward making a difference through the Comprehensive Officer Resilience Train-the-Trainer Program ℠, Leadership Forum and our relationship with Acadia Health Care , but we have a long way to go as many of our first responders are self-destructing with addictions to alcohol, narcotics and other drugs, including self-medicating. For these reasons we are driven to make an impact. We must change the culture as it relates to how the commu- nity views Law Enforcement. Additionally, we must address how law enforcement officers view themselves – who they are, who they want to be and what they need to do to become better at all aspects of their lives. We provide the framework and the tools to make that happen. By doing so, they can have a positive impact on everything within and outside of their lives.
But suicide is complex and multi-faceted and, therefore, prevention of suicide is equally complex. Research on the brain, co-existing disorders and social/environmental factors that impact suicide is a relatively new field of study. Amidst this new research, a common theme has surfaced: Suicide prevention is everybody's business. Therefore, the more we normalize conversation about mental health and suicide risk, the more we prevent acute crisis levels where intervention is difficult. The conversation must also promote protective factors (resistance and resilience) to offset suicide risk. The modules covered in the FBINAA Comprehensive Officer Resilience Program ℠ provide participants with tools to build protective factors personally, professionally and socially. While the course itself is not a suicide prevention course, it is a critical piece of building protective factors which can offset the risk for suicide. It is upstream suicide prevention. The resilience training provides tools to help officers recover from traumatic events that actually change the physiology of the brain. These changes are cumulative in nature and the longer they go unchecked the more susceptible officers become to future injury. The trainings also serve the purpose of opening the door to a conversation about mental health in general. The officers are in a safe situation where they can trust those in the room, as they are all other officers. Many of the officers that have participated in the trainings have never had the concepts which are presented explained to them, and do not have an understanding of the neu- robiological basis of the trauma to which they are exposed. These trainings provide that missing element. They help break down the stigma around getting help when needed, and provide “permis- sion” to ask for help. We will continue to work to find assistance for those who need and deserve our attention, for our brothers and sisters in Law Enforcement as well as for those who care most deeply about us, our families. We must make a difference.
Kevin Wingerson, President FBINAA Assistant Chief, Pasadena Police Deptartment
Special thanks to members of the Officer Safety and Wellness committee Joe Collins, Dr. Michael Genovese, and Mary VanHaute for their contributions to this column.
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Howard Cook
T here is a reason the FBI National Academy Associates is the “Strongest Law Enforcement Leadership Network in the World.” This was evident at the recent FBI- NAA Annual Training Conference in Phoenix, AZ. This year’s event marked the 55th conference and the incredible networking that took place was truly astounding. Nearly 2,000 members, special guests, speakers, FBI personnel, spon- sors and exhibitors all convened in Phoenix, AZ for several days of phenomenal training, socializing,
reconnecting with old friends and making a few new ones. This year’s conference was truly a success and we give much applause to the 2019 Host Committee for their hard work and creativity in pull- ing off such a memorable and valuable event. If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend an annual conference, I highly encourage you to join us. You will see it is an experience not be missed. Another important aspect of conference is the changing of several positions within our Executive Board. We welcome Kevin Wingerson as our new Association President, Cindy Reed as our new Historian, and congratulate Jim Gallagher as being named Section I Representative. We also welcome FBI Assistant Director for the Training Division Don Alway who will be joining us on our Board. We will miss the leadership of Johnnie Adams as he becomes immediate Past President, Scott Dumas , Past President as he transitions off the Board and Pat Davis as he leaves his His- torian Position. We thank them for their commitment and time to make this Association what it is today. We’re all about Training, not just at conference but all year long. To date, the FBINAA has hosted training opportunities attended by nearly 6,000 individuals from annual conference, webinars, and Leadership Forums which cover Officer Resiliency, Safety & Wellness, School Shooting Prevention and Cyber Threat Intelligence. Although this number is impressive, it doesn’t include all the great training events put on by the Chapters. On a final note, this is truly a strong and special network. We celebrate together and we mourn together. This issue contains the FBINAA Memory Roll with the names of those classmates who have passed in the previous year, or those deaths we were notified about in this past year. Please take a moment and reflect on those individu- als, their families, friends, session mates and departments. Let’s celebrate their lives and honor their memory.
JAN 28-30, 2019
FEB 11-13, 2019
FEB 18-20, 2019
MAR 11-13, 2019
APR 1-3, 2019
MAY 15-17, 2019
MAY 20-22, 2019
DOVER, DE JUN 24-26, 2019 THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO JUL 29-31, 2019 RAPID CITY, SD AUG 19-21, 2019 RIDGELAND, MS SEPT 16-18, 2019 COATESVILLE, PA OCT 14-16, 2019 WARREN, MI OCT 28-30, 2019
For additional information, contact John Kennedy at jkennedy@fbinaa.org.
Howard M. Cook FBINAA Executive Director FBINA #224
Liberty University 800.424.9595 | liberty.edu/FBINAA PLATINUM ACADEMIC ALLIANCES
5.11 TACTICAL SERIES 209.527.4511 | 511tactical.com JUSTICE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 800.550.JFCU | jfcu.org VERIZON WIRELESS 800.295.1614 | verizonwireless.com
Saint Leo University 813.310.4365 | saintleo.edu
University of San Diego 619.260.4573 | sandiego.edu/fbina
American Military University 703.396.6437 | PublicSafetyatAMU.com
ecoATM 858.324.4111 | ecoatm.com AXON 800.978.2737 | axon.com
Bethel University 855.202.6385 | BethelSuccess.net
Columbia College 803.786.3582 | columbiacollegesc.edu
University of Oklahoma 800.522.4389 | pacs.ou.edu
University of New Hampshire 603.513.5144 | law.unh.edu
3SI SECURITY SYSTEMS 610.280.2000 | 3sisecurity.com ACADIA HEALTHCARE 855.526.8228 | acadiahealthcare.com PANASONIC 610.326.7476 | us/panasonic.com/toughbook POINT BLANK 888.245.6344 | pointblankenterprises.com CELLEBRITE | cellebrite.com FIRST TACTICAL 855.665.3410 | firsttactical.com LEXISNEXIS | solutions.lexisnexis.com/IDCFBINAA FIRSTNET BUILT WITH AT&T 321.318.7100 | firstnet.com NICE 551.256.5000 | nice.com FORUM DIRECT 855.88.FORUM | forum-direct.com GUIDEHOUSE | guidehouse.com UPS 404.828.6000 | ups.com
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California University of Pennsylvania 724.938.4000 | calu.edu/golegalstudies
Columbia Southern University 800.977.8449 | columbiasouthern.edu
Faulkner University 800.879.9816 | faulkner.edu
Northcentral University 844.628.8943 | ncu.edu/fbinaa
GUARDIAN ALLIANCE TECHNOLOGIES 800.573.5950 guardianalliancetechnologies.com LEADSONLINE 800.311.2656 | leadsonline.com CENTRAL SQUARE 800.727.8088 | centralsquare.com CODY SYSTEMS 610.326.7476 | codysystems.com VIRTUAL ACADEMY 844.381.2134 | v-academy.com
Trident University 714.816.0366 x2019 | Trident.edu/FBINAA
Upper Iowa University (888) 877-3742 | uiu.edu/fbinaa
Wilmington University 302.356.6766 | wilmu.edu
NATIONWIDE 877.669.6877 | nationwide.com
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CHAPTER CHAT The intent of this column is to announce Promotions, Retirements and Deaths for the Chapters. Please find expanded Chapter Chat on our website www. fbinaa.org under the current Associate Magazine issue to stay up-to-date on what's happening in our 48 Chapters. Submit chapter news on the Chapter Chat Submission Form by the 1st of every even month. Please attach to the email high-resolution digital .jpg or .tif photos to: Susan Naragon | snaragon@fbinaa.org.
n Gina (Haynes) Di Napoli , NA Session 225, was sworn in as Chief of Police for the San Jose State University Police Department on July 12th, 2019. Many congratulations Gina. n James Hunt , NA Session 242, was appointed Interim Chief of Police of the Sierra Madre Police Department. He had previously retired as the Police Chief for the Monrovia Police Department. n Darrell Lowe, NA Session 249, was recently appointed as the Chief of Police for the Redmond (WA) Police Department. He was most recently a Lieutenant with the Santa Monica Police Department. n Wes Simmons , NA Session 255, was recently promoted to Chief of Police for the Chino Police Department. He was previously a Captain with the department. PASSINGS n Daniel Robbins , NA Session 132, San Bernardino Police Department (Ret.), passed away on March 17, 2019. KANSAS/WESTERN MISSOURI PROMOTIONS n AdamWeingartner , NA Session 262, was named Chief of Police for the City of Ottawa, KS in June 2019. n Jason DeVore , NA Session 234, has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Superintendent of the Kansas Highway Patrol effec- tive June, 2019. n Michael Butaud , NA Session 257, was named Chief of Police for the City of Olathe, KS in July 2019. n Glen Virden , NA Session 269, was promoted by the Kansas Bureau of Investigations to Special Agent in Charge, Western Region Special Operations Division. RETIREMENTS n SA Michael R. Miller , NA Session 259, officially retired after 21 years of service from the FBI on 05/31/19 after following in the footsteps of his father Thomas Miller, who retired from the Bureau in 1985. n SA Walter ‘Bob” Schaefer , NA Session 275, will retire on 11/30/19 after 30 years of service. n Jeff Welch , NA Session 246, assumed the role as the full time Train- ing Coordinator for the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office in Madisonville, Ky on July 1st. He retired from the Henderson Police Department in June of 2018. n Frank Cates , NA Session 238, will be the new School Resource Officer for West Hopkins School in Nebo Ky as of July 31st. Frank is employed by the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office in Madisonville, Ken- tucky. Frank retired from the Henderson Police Department in August of 2017. RETIREMENTS n Chief Tony Kramer , NA Session 207, Edgewood Police Department is retiring August 1st 2019. n Lt. Richie Whitford , NA Session 210, Fort Thomas Police Depart- ment is retiring August 1st 2019. KENTUCKY PROMOTIONS
n James Falvey , NA Session 203, was promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief of Police of the Milford, MA Police Department effective in Octo- ber 2018. RETIREMENTS n Rick Smith , NA Session 176, has retired after 46 years in policing, and 15 as the Chief of the Wakefield, MA Police Department. We wish him well in retirement. n Deputy Chief Marla St. Pierre , NA Session 186, retired from the Scarborough Maine Police Department on July 3, 2019 after serving 39 years. n John O'Malley , NA Session 234, was appointed as Deputy Chief of the Scarborough Maine Police Department on July 8, 2019. NEW YORK/EASTERN CANADA PROMOTIONS n Deputy Chief Terri Tobin , NA Session 189, New York City Police Department, was promoted to two-star chief in August, becoming the fourth female assistant chief currently on the job. NORTH CAROLINA PASSINGS n James Newmeyer , NA Session 95, passed away on June 20, 2019. He was Captain of Detectives with the East Brunswick, NJ Police Department at the time of his attendance and retired in 1987. NORTHWEST PASSINGS n Captain Haans Vitek , NA Session 227, Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, MN, 53 years old, passed away of natural causes May 25, 2019. OHIO PROMOTIONS n Staff Lieutenant Chris Johnson , NA Session 247, The Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP), was recently promoted to Captain and will serve as executive officer of the Finance and Logistics section.
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Associate Magazine: Tell us why you first decided to take a leadership role at the FBINAA and how your involvement with the organization grew?
KW: All Law Enforcement organizations whether, Federal, State or Local have one thing in common, protecting and serving our society. Maintaining our interaction with each other benefits all in the business. It is my opinion, we do an outstanding job, but sometimes we only witness this when emergencies or disasters are upon us. Engaging, educating, and listening to our communities, allowing them to know and understand their Law Enforcement organization so we can know them and understand their needs. After all, we are members of communities. Associate Magazine: What do you think it is about the FBINAA that keeps it so relevant within the law enforcement community? KW: The ability to communicate and readily share information that is relevant in the Law Enforcement communities. Since be- coming a member of the FBINAA, I have determined that commu- nication is a key to our success as an organization. The ability to reach around the country, and even the world, and have a contact streamlines the gathering and passing of information. Associate Magazine: As a membership organization, what is the distinct thing about the FBINAA that makes law enforcement executives want to dedicate and volunteer their time? KW: I have come to realize there is much time dedicated to work- ing within the FBINAA. I am no different from those whom I have followed, currently serving, and the future Board members. We all have a desire to serve the membership and want to make a difference.
KW: After graduating Session 223 in December of 2005, I continued to actively participate within the Texas Chapter. I witnessed how the Texas Chapter held annual conferences, an annual Command College and monthly regional speaker/training lunches. I gained knowledge and increased my network as I attended. Understand- ing the dynamics of hosting training and the importance of net- working, I believed I could be of value to the Texas Chapter. I was elected to the Texas Chapter Board and thoroughly enjoyed the role as a Board as we served the members at the local chapter with hosting training, along with our biggest challenge as an association, maintaining members. The Texas Chapter members approached me and asked if I would accept the challenge and run for the National Board. Since the time I have started serving on the Board, I have received much guidance and wisdom from those whom I have served with and other members where relationships were built while on the Texas Board. What I have taken from all, we listen to our members so decisions and actions are driven toward the betterment of members. KW: I believe my response in Phoenix summed up one initiative that affects all of us. My personal experience of a roommate taking his own life during my Session was my biggest “wake-up” call. The self-destruction of oneself with addictions to alcohol and narcot- ics, and other drugs, including self-medicating and the alarming number of suicides in Law Enforcement needs to be continuously addressed. This not only impacts the individual but those who love them, friends, peers, and associates. This is one area your Board will strive to make a difference. Associate Magazine: As you start your 12-month term, are there some specific initiatives you are planning to pursue?
Associate Magazine: Congratulations on being named President of the FBINAA; it has to be a great honor to be chosen to the lead the organization.
Associate Magazine: How do you see the FBINAA further collaborating with not only federal, state and local agencies but also reaching out to the private sector?
KW: I am truly honored and humbled to be in this position and understand it is a privilege. The commitment of this Board is, and always has been, to represent the FBINAA professionally and to do what is best for our members.
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(1) Incoming President Kevin Wingerson is sworn in by Josh Bruegger, Chief, Pasadena Police Department (TX); (2) Livio A. Beccaccio Award is awarded to Richard (Rich) J. Ryan (NA #263) and presented to his wife Erin McCabe accompanied by representatives from the Irondequoit Police Department; (3) The Les Davis Award is presented to Wayne Ikeuchi (NA #182); (4) Charitable Foundation Science & Innovation Award: The selec- tion committee chose the Toronto Police Service “Public Safety Data Portal – Academic Engagement through Open Data” program as the winner of the inaugural award. Superintendent David Rydzik of the Toronto Police Service Community Partnerships and Engagement Unit received the award on behalf of the Service; (5) Jim Gallagher (NA #245) is sworn in as Section 1 Representative by Joe Gaylord; (6) 5.11 Tactical presents a $31,511 check to the FBINAA Charitable Foundation; (7) Dan Linza (NA #71) awarded a special recognition with the FBINAA Member of Distinction award for the Longest Standing Member; (8) Greg Olson (NA #174) accepts the FBINAA Member of Distinction award for Most Valuable Member; (9) Pat Davis (NA #152) received a Proclamation for his tenure as Historian; (10) Past President Scott Dumas (NA #226) receives a Proclamation for dedication and service to the Association; (11) Congratulations and a job well done to the entire 2019 Host Committee. Joe Gaylord addresses conference audience; (12) Nebraska Chapter President Bob Lausten (NA #252) accepts Yellow Brick Run Trophy on behalf of the Chapter for having the highest % YBR participation.
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T he FBINAA Community Engagement Committee collaborated with the 2019 FBINAA Annual Conference Committee to establish a legacy gift that would be awarded to a group in Phoenix, AZ that is committed to strengthening the bond between law enforcement and the local community they serve. This year, the 2019 FBINAA Community Engagement Legacy Gift is awarded to Drag Racing Against Gangs and Graffiti , or DRAGG. DRAGG is an innovative afterschool program in Phoenix, AZ that helps prepare high school students for a career in the automotive industry. Police Officers and people from the automotive industry mentor local high school students. Students are provided the opportunity to build cars for car shows through lessons learned at DRAGG that range from basic automotive repair to creative car customization. The program builds on an old idea; keep the youth engaged in something they’re interested in and focused on the future with positive influences. The program empowers individuals to make a positive impact on their future by offering opportunities for continued education, life skills and potential employment. The Arizona program works with Trevor Brown High School students, offering them instruction and a produc- tive way to spend their time while learning life skills.
Accepting the $1,500 Legacy Gift during the FBINAA 2019 Annual Conference is Sgt. Lance Infanger and Matthew Teerink, DRAGG Program Director.
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Jeff Kruithoff
The Memory Roll
A n honored tradition of the annual FBINAA Training Conference is when we collectively take time to pause to remember and honor those graduates who have passed away since our conference in Quebec Canada, or their passing was not previously noted because their death only recently came to the attention of the National Office. We do this through the Memory Roll Ceremony. I have had the privilege to convey to many of the families or departments of graduates who have died the thoughts, prayers, and condolences of the Executive Board and the general mem- bership. Doing that was a tremendous honor. The graduates honored at the ceremony not only showed great strength and character in life but many showed great cour- age in death. Because death like life is unpredictable, some passed away after long courageous battles with illness or cancer, giving us time to say good-bye while some left us suddenly and left large voids to fill. Some died in great discomfort and some died quietly as their hearts merely said, “We have no more to give”. Some died due to the heavy hand of time, and some even died to that great- est of all threats we face as police officers, the suicide bullet. The common bond of all of these graduates was their proud completion of the FBI National Academy. Most carried that pride for many years until their deaths. A pride all of us foster, encour- age, and promote in new graduates. The Memory Roll is more than reviewing a list of names. There are many fascinating stories behind each of the names. It has been a tremendous blessing to read the obituary’s and see the dedication and commitment the persons honored at the cer- emony have made to our profession and to their community’s. Some graduates honored went onto elected offices at the Local, State, and even the National Level in Congress. Some were presidents of local Chambers of Commerce, service organiza- tions and not for profit boards in their communities. Pat from session 92 and Robbie from session 100 were past presidents of the FBINAA, Michael from session 113 was former Chapter President in Georgia, and Guy from session 167 was a for- mer section representative. Patricia , from session 102 broke the glass ceiling in so many ways during her career. Scott from session 109 was the father of a staff member in the National Office. Edgar from session 166 started the Mexican Chapter of the FBINAA. Another of our international graduates was a Trappist Monk as a teenager, then became a police officer and then a Chief of Police before becoming a Minister. Another International gradu- ate actually graduated college as a dentist, but ended up having a long distinguished career in both law enforcement and his country’s military. Many had military careers intertwined with their police careers, and several represented the Greatest Generation.
Finally, since our National Academy is founded on 84 years of legacy and tradition since the first session in 1935, I should also specifically point out Homer Wanamaker from session 97 whose son Jeff is a proud member of session 262. On a personal note, the last name on the list, Robert DuHadway , was the SAC who approved my application to the National Academy. Bob was a great man and honored the FBI with his service. Just as a police funeral is rich with symbolism; the American flag, the shrouded badge, and the cadence walk of an honor guard, we also mark the occasion of the Memory Roll with sym- bols. These symbols link the profound impact these individu- als have had on our lives and our great organization: the FBI National Academy Associates. Memory Table : vested with simple but meaningful symbols of honor. 1. The table, covered with a white cloth, symbolizes the loyalty and commitment of these graduates throughout their career of service to their respective communities. 2. An encased and folded American flag placed on the table to represent the courage and sacrifice of these graduates as they protected our freedom and provided a safe environment for the citizens they served. 3. A single red rose in a vase placed on the table to symbolize the family and friends of these graduates left behind. 4. A police hat and badge placed on the table to symbolize the absence of these graduates. 5. A lit white candle placed on the table as a constant reminder that these graduates are not forgotten. 6. A framed list providing the name, session, and date of death of each fallen graduates posted on the table to allow conference attendees an opportunity to review and reflect upon their lives and service. The Memory Table, as always, remained on display throughout the 2019 conference so attendees could review, reflect, and remem- ber friends who had passed on. For those who could not attend the Training Conference in Phoenix, please take a moment to review and reflect on the following list of graduates. Remember them fondly and keep their family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.
God Bless,
Jeff Kruithoff jkruithoff@fbinaa.org | 937.545.0227
SESSION/NAME 153 JohnM.Race 154 AlfredOckenfels 154 WilliamHillgaertner 159 BruceSekeres 159 RobertA.Guillen 166 EdgarFernandoFritz 167 RichardE.Nitsch
DATEOFPASSING January20,2019 January13,2018 October17,2018 January7,2018 December31,2018 April14,2019 March15,2018 July11,2018 February16,2019
64 RonaldMikolic January1,2015 70 ThomasF.Buckmaster June25,1970 71 DoyleO.Bateman Unknown 75 JackL.Brady September21,2018 75 EdwardRichardson March15,2019 76 D.FernandesdeSouza July27,2009 80 PierceR.Brooks February28,1998 80 JohnT.McCool June14,2015 80 ClarkTomer April30,2019 81 WalterPowellSr. February16,2019 82 MyrleEnsweiler April21,2019 85 JamesFrakes September23,2018 86 DonaldK.Johnson June30,2016 87 BillDeasy June29,2018 88 JackEdwinChipps April23,2018 89 EugeneConaway May18,2019 90 ThomasE.White May2,2018 90 WilliamCoyle February26,2019 91 EdwardTurnerSr. July27,2013 91 Charles“Max”Mallicote August16,2018 91 RobertP.Miller May10,2019 92 JamesP.Fogarty August4,2018 92 PatG.Minetti August27,2018 93 MichaelM.Gross September10,2018 93 EdwardP.Kovacic September30,2018 93 Winston“Win”Sarver November27,2018 95 WillisD.Booth August2,2018 95 DavidM.Shea October3,2018 96 Randolf“Randy”Pisane May18,2019 97 HomerWanamaker June1,2019 98 CarmineF.Russo September12,1974 98 ArnoldS.WilliamsJr. May27,2019 99 MichaelA.Janero April10,2019 100 CharlesVenable January26,2017 100 Robert“Bob”LowerySr. July30,2018 100 Robert“Robbie”Hamrick August12,2018 101 GaryTatum December26,2018 102 HarryWalsh January17,2015 102 PatriciaGraves January12,2019 103 CharlesH.Hail July6,2018 103 RogerBean August17,2018 104 ClaudeG.Zachary August13,2001 104 James“Skeeter”WebbJr. August18,2018 104 JamesE.Doran October26,2018 104 WalterH.Mutert March23,2019 105 JamesJ.Dillon October22,2018
105 EliB.Tambling 106 RobertV.Wilder 107 PatrickL.Call 107 LarryO.Schey 107 CharlieMcCrary 107 FrankJ.Logioco
December31,2016 January13,2018
May4,2019 109 ShermanS.Anderson April20,2018 109 RonaldW.Krueger
167 GuyM.Still
167 JamesL.Slego 168 JosephChrabot
109 JamesR.McCants 110 HarryStuhlfauth 110 WilliamH.Blackketter
December9,2014 March26,2017 August11,2009 August30,2014 January7,2019 March16,2019 October3,2018 October1,2018 July25,2018 March24,2014 July20,2017 August26,2018 October12,2018 September13,2018 May31,2019 January15,2019
172 JohnRoche
August30,2018 March2,2019
172 William“Bill”Slade 175 Leslie“Les”Bohrer
111 ThomasHennies 111 DennisNordfelt
April18,2019 177 Harry“Rick”Burdick April25,2019 179 JosephP.“Joe”McHale December8,2011 180 RobertJ.Richey June21,2018 181 PatrickBurns December26,2018 185 LarryD.Smith December16,2011 187 LonR.Loudenback November28,2003 194 RichardW.SmallJr. April13,2010 194 MichaelJ.Gaub April26,2017 200 EdwardNestor January30,2019 200 StevenJ.Silks June5,2019 204 RandallL.Hillard July28,2018 205 DouglasJ.MacDonnell April13,2018 206 WilliamT.BakerJr. September3,2018 207 MichaelDaly September6,2018 210 ChrisReed June8,2019 211 CharlesE.Hurt January15,2019 211 DavidSenior April11,2019 212 DavidW.Walton November14,2012 220 JamesR.McGowanIII January14,2019 221 EricCollins October1,2018 226 Richard“Rick”Walther August1,2018 228 George“Jeff”Clark March2,2018 231 TerryM.Bell August11,2018 231 StevenF.Hillias June16,2019 254 KimberlyAnnWilliams August21,2018 260 MichaelD.Benavides September2,2018 263 AdamKelly July6,2018 263 RichardRyan January12,2019 266 GaryA.Craft July4,2018 FBI BernardLang April26,2018 FBI RobertDuHadway March31,2019
113 LorenSnell
113 MichaelRagland 116 JohnA.Knapp 117 CharlesR.Janata 117 JamesR.Tising 118 DennisMcMaster 120 TroyL.Hampton 125 WilliamC.Duncan 126 LamarGuymon 128 WillisA.Casey 129 TomYoung 129 DonaldDingler 129 LowellCannaday 119 NealStratton 120 PhilipDunn
January7,2017 August29,2018
December20,2018 132 EdwardT.Crawford November27,2018 132 WesleyReevesJr. February1,2019 133 RobertFord December22,2018 133 JamesMorganJr. May6,2019 134 JosephSplichal February22,2019 135 DonaldMather February13,2018 137 RobertI.Fenkel September16,2008 137 FrederickL.Brewer March4,2019 139 JamesR.Padar July11,2018 140 MikeNoski January1,2019 141 ValL.Young August24,2018 142 JosephF.Hatfield January23,2018 145 GlenKochanowski March23,2019 146 RobertKenary August6,2009 146 FrederickL.Arthur December6,2018 146 JohnL.Pickens March11,2019 151 JohnA.Galea September19,2018 151 LeslieK.Martinez May6,2019
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• Stay up-to-date with the latest News, Events and Information you care about most • Connect with your Chapter and favorite members • Engage in relevant forums, polls and download resources
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Hello from your newest Historian!
I consider this quite an honor to have been appointed by the Executive Board and will do my best to ensure I fulfill my obli- gations over the next four years. At various points in my life, I have met all three official As- sociation Historians and consider the two remaining Historians as both friends and mentors. I intend to reach out to others I con- sider our “unofficial” Historians over the years such as George Graves and Billy Gibson . So who is this new Historian? Following established prec- edent, I will tell you a bit about myself and the goals I hope to achieve in my upcoming term. I grew up in Eastern Washington in the small town of Yakima, and then went to colleges close to Spokane, WA where I got my degree in teaching English in the secondary schools. Through a series of life-changes, I found myself working first as a limited commission campus dispatcher from 1973-1975 at Washington State University in Pullman, WA, then in 1976 attended the Police Academy in Spokane, WA to become the first female commis- sioned officer for the Eastern Washington University Police. So where did the National Academy come in? I had been working as Detective Sergeant during the time of the Iranian Hostage Crisis of 1979-1981. We had several Iranian students who were caught in the confusion between not being able to locate their parents (remember, this is BEFORE the Inter- net - can you imagine how apprehensive they felt?) and getting death threats from angry ill-informed citizens in the area. I was contacted by the local FBI agent assigned to Spokane and we worked together to re-assure the students that we were there to help them through this very scary time. When the hostage crisis was finally resolved in 1981, I had several conversations with this agent and our local police chief, Jerry Gardner Session 103, about what the experience of attend- ing the National Academy could mean to me. I had never heard of it and didn’t know anyone who had attended. However, I loved the idea of challenging myself with a new environment. What was the worst that could happen, right? I was extremely fortunate to be able to attend the 134th ses- sion in the summer of 1983. I had never been on the East Coast, so my first challenge to myself was to drive alone across the country to Quantico. As I drove onto the campus, I was worried that I would not be accepted: I was a woman from a small college campus and didn’t have close to the experience that many of my session mates would have. I hadn’t even had the opportunity to meet the other 3 men frommy state before I left. I met the two other women in our session ( Lynne Johnson from Palo Alto, California and Carole Gaul Rigney from New York City) and we became the Three Musketeers. I found that my worries were mis- guided. That was one of the positive aspects of the Academy – it was not necessarily about your rank or the size of your agency.
It was about what kind of person you were. Those are the things we remember about our session mates. After I returned home I decided it was time to broaden my experiences and applied for another state position as a Special Agent with the Washington State Gambling Commission. I retired from the Gambling Commission in 2003, one year after my hus- band passed away after losing a four year battle with cancer, with 30 years state service. I have managed to stay busy in retirement. The most fun part time job since retiring has been working in the tasting room for Heritage Distilling in Gig Harbor. I am also the Youth Exchange Officer for my Rotary Club and do lots of volunteer work around my town. I love to travel and often do it with NA friends or to visit friends I have made through the NA. I started attending Washington State Chapter meetings around 1988. I was encouraged by our FBI Coordinator to run for their Executive Board in 1994 as its first female executive board officer; thus started over 30 years of service in various capaci- ties to my chapter. I became Chapter President in 1998, and was elected to the position of Chapter Secretary/Treasurer in 2000, where I served for another 15 years. I “retired” out of that posi- tion after the 2015 Seattle conference and currently am primarily responsible to produce a chapter newsletter every quarter. In order to get ready for our chapter’s Seattle 1999 confer- ence, I attended my first National Conference in 1995 at the MGM in Las Vegas. I have attended every National conference since then (except the Philadelphia conference when my good buddy Laurie Cahill was National President – darn the luck). Thanks to Laurie’s encouragement, I also started attending several international conferences starting in 2005. Now, I count many of our international graduates as personal friends after having the chance to meet them in their own country. So... enough of me. What are my responsibilities, goals and plans for my four year term? 1. Write an article of historical significance every other month for The Associate Magazine. To that end, I have about 5 articles already in the works about people, traditions or
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E A RN YOUR W I NGS TODA Y AND B E COME A SUSTAINING PARTNER The FBINAA Charitable Foundation has created this very special fundraising campaign to as- sist in achieving its mission and goals. The Angel Campaign encourages donors to become a Sustaining Partner by annually donating to the Foundation $250 or more. The Foundation is seeking support from not only FBINAA members and friends, but also from the corporate and business community to be part of this very worthwhile campaign. In appreciation for a cumulative donation of $250 or more, the donor will receive an annual commemorative challenge coin from the Foundation, listing the year of their donation and suitable for display. In addition, the donor will be listed on the Foundation’s website recognizing their generosity, unless the donor chooses to opt out of being listed. HELP OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT FAMILIES AND EARN YOUR WINGS We realize that our base-asking amount may be high for some so we are affording donors the opportunity to make their donation over a few months or a year period. You will be listed as a sustaining partner on our website as soon as the Foundation receives your commitment. The commemorative Angel coin will be sent to the donor when the $250 is achieved. CONTRIBUTE $250 OR MORE AND RECEIVE A LIMITED EDITION COMMEMORATIVE CHALLENGE COIN To donate or ask questions, please contact us at www.FBINAAFoundation.org or email our Campaign Chairperson, MitchMueller@FBINAAFoundation.org
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T he 2019 Virtual Yellow Brick Run was a tremendous success, thanks to all those that put on their running shoes and hit the pavement. This year's event had a total of 634 participants and shows the commitment FBINAA mem- bers, friends and family have to staying on their personal Yellow Brick Road. A total of $13,106 was donated to the FBINAA Chari- table Foundation. The Foundation’s mission is the care and support of members and their families who are in distress, or in harm’s way, and the continued educational develop- ment of our members and their families, as well as the members of other FBI affiliated nonprofit law enforcement associations. Thank You For Supporting A Great Charity! Stay mov- ing! The 2020 Virtual Yellow Brick Run registration will be opening in early Spring, 2020.
To see additional photos, please visit www.fbinaa.org.
THE FBINAA CHARITABLE FOUNDATION & 5.11's ST. MICHAEL PROJECT O ur Charitable Foundation has a long history of doing amaz- ing things for our members in need. To remain prepared to Chuck Hauber 5.11 Director of Strategic Channels and member of the Board of Directors of the FBINAA Charitable Foundation
assist our membership, the Board works hard raising money to ensure it is there when you need it. Much of the operating funds of the Foundation are from individual and sponsor donations. 5.11 began donating to the Foundation several years ago with the proceeds from their annual Kilt sales. The Kilts were a big hit and we had a lot of fun with them but, all good things come to an end. When the Kilt sales slowed down, 5.11 was forced to cease production and began searching for the next great thing to drive sales and fund the annual donation check. To date, 5.11 has donated over $160,000. THE ST. MICHAEL PROJECT St. Michael is the patron Saint of Law Enforcement Officers. Many of us have spent our careers wearing a St. Michael medal- lion or carrying a prayer card with the belief that he would watch over and protect us as we carried out our duties. With that in mind, 5.11 and our Foundation saw this as something that would resonate with the membership and, therefore, a perfect and meaningful replacement for the Kilts. Working with the National Office in Quantico, 5.11 unveils a new St. Michael Tee shirt every year at the FBINAA Conference. After the Conference, Renee Reynolds continues to sell the St. Michael Tee Shirt in the FBI Academy FBINAA Store. 5.11 also produces a St. Michael Patch based on that year’s Tee Shirt design and sells them in all the 5.11 Retail locations. Prior to the annual Conference, 5.11 tallies up the Tee Shirt and patch sales for that year to determine the amount of the donation to the Foundation. The largest donation yet was this year in Phoenix when the Foundation was presented a check for $31,511. This is particularly exciting because this was only the second year for the St. Michael Project. With the help of the membership, the check should be even larger next year! Your Foundation always appreciates your direct donations but another way to help is to buy the Tee Shirt. Please keep it in mind when you need a gift for a coworker or as a great door prize for your Chapter events. With 17,000 members worldwide, we know that we can grow the 5.11 check every year. You can purchase the St. Michael Tee by contacting Renee at the FBINAA Store in Quantico (703.632.1943) or logging on to the FBINAA webstore at FBINAA.org. Thanks in advance for your support! Please visit our website, fbinaafoundation.org, for more information on our history, services offered to members and ways you can assist the Charitable Foundation reach the million-dollar goal.
THE ST. MICHAEL PRAYER "St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our pro- tection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls." – Amen.
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