F B I N A A 2 0 2 0 : C O N N E C T I N G L E A D E R S A V I R T U A L L E A D E R S H I P, E D U C A T I O N & N E T W O R K I N G E V E N T
DAY 1 | SEPTEMBER 1, 2020
Get Ready for FBINAA 2020: Connecting Leaders
1:30-2:00 pm/EDT
12:30 pm/CDT | 10:30 am/PDT | 7:30 am/HST
2:00-4:00 pm/EDT
Welcome and Opening Session Invocation Introductions and Opening Remarks Memory Table
1:00 pm/CDT | 11:00 am/PDT | 8:00 am/HST
Keynote Presentation Message from FBI Director Christopher Wray
Keynote Presentation HEART FOCUS LEADERSHIP Chief Kristen Ziman, Aurora Police Department (IL); Vice President at Large, International Association of Chiefs of Police; FBI NA Session 249 Commander Michael Nila, Aurora Police Department (IL) (Ret.); Founder and Managing Partner of Blue Courage
Closing Remarks
Visit Sponsors Shop in the FBINAA Store (open to FBINAA members)
4:00 pm/EDT
3:00 pm/CDT | 1:00 pm/PDT | 10:00 am/HST
DAY 2 | SEPTEMBER 2, 2020
Get Ready for FBINAA 2020: Connecting Leaders
1:30-2:00 pm/EDT
12:30 pm/CDT | 10:30 am/PDT | 7:30 am/HST
2:00-4:00 pm/EDT
Welcome and Remarks Invocation Opening Remarks
1:00 pm/CDT | 11:00 am/PDT | 8:00 am/HST
Keynote Presentation PROTEST AND CIVIL UNREST Chief Art Acevedo, Houston Police Department (TX) Chief Carmen Best, Seattle Police Department (WA); FBI NA Session 242 Judy Pal, Moderator
Keynote Presentation OFFICER WELLNESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY David Black, PhD, CEO and Chief Psychologist, Cordico
Closing Remarks
V isit Sponsors Shop in the FBINAA Store (open to FBINAA members)
4:00 pm/EDT
3:00 pm/CDT | 1:00 pm/PDT | 10:00 am/HST
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