

Dr. Black regularly speaks to law enforcement audiences on topics spanning leadership, officer wellness, recruitment and retention, trauma, and mass casualty events. He has held academic appointments at the University of Califor- nia, Davis; California State University, Sacramento; and the University of Georgia. Dr. Black leads a team of highly expe- rienced police psychologists serving more than 100 public safety agencies, oversees innovative wellness programs for law enforcement agencies, and recently developed a law enforcement wellness mobile app that led to two nomina- tions for the Best of California Awards.

Michael holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a BA in Criminal Justice Management. He is the 2016 recipient of the Attorney General’s Award for Meritorious Public Service and the HeartMath Institute Humanitarian Heart Award in recognition for improving the health and well-being of policing through resilience training. He re- sides in Aurora, Illinois USA.

Aurora Police Chief Kristen Ziman was born and raised on the west side of Aurora. She is a graduate of West Aurora High School and started as a Police Cadet at the Aurora Police Department in 1991. She joined the Aurora Police force

CYBER THREATS IN THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC 0.75 hours education credit HERB STAPLETON Cyber Division Section Chief, FBI

in 1994 as a sworn officer and worked in patrol, field training, community policing and inves- tigations as a domestic violence detective before being promoted to sergeant in 2003. She was pro- moted to lieutenant in 2008 and to commander in 2010 and was named Police Chief in 2016. Kristen earned her Associates Degree fromWaubonsee Community College in 1994. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Aurora University and a Master’s Degree from Boston University. She is a graduate of the FBI National Academy #249. She completed the Kellogg Women’s Senior Leader- ship Program at Northwestern University, Senior Executives in State and Local Government at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and the Senior Management Insti- tute for Police (SMIP).

Herbert J. Stapleton is a Section Chief in the FBI’s Cyber Division. Mr. Stapleton is the executive re- sponsible for the FBI’s operational programs targeting sophisticated cyber threats from criminal ac- tors. Prior to his current role, Mr. Stapleton served as the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Cincinnati Field Office, where he led the Cyber, Intelligence, and Crisis Management programs in Southern Ohio.

OFFICER WELLNESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY 0.75 hours education credit DR. DAVID BLACK PhD, CEO and Chief Psychologist, Cordico

Mr. Stapleton began his FBI career as a Special Agent in the St. Louis Field Office, Cape Girardeau RA, and later served in the Chicago Field Office. During his time in Cape Girardeau, he investigated an array of criminal violations including bank robberies, public corruption matters and child exploitation cases and received the 2008 “Distin- guished Service” award from the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri for his investigation of a multi-million dollar mortgage fraud scheme which had a major impact on the area housing market. In Chicago, Mr. Stapleton investigated Transnational Organized Crime matters emanating from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Mr. Stapleton also served as a Supervisory Special Agent at the Internet Crime Complaint Center and in the Cincinnati Field Office. Mr. Stapleton earned a Bachelor of Arts from Centre Col- lege, and a Juris Doctor from the University of Kentucky, College of Law. Prior to joining the FBI, he practiced corpo- rate and commercial law in a private law firm.

Dr. David Black is the CEO and Chief Psychologist of Cordico. He is a founding Board Member of the National Sheriffs’ Association Psychological Services Group, serves as the Chair of Technol- ogy and Social Media, and is an Advisory Board Member for the National Police Foundation’s Center for Mass Violence Re- sponse Studies. Dr. Black has also served on several International

Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) committees and was one of two psychologists nationally who served on the 2018 IACP Model Policy Group for Investigating Officer-Involved Shootings and Other Serious Incidents.


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