CHAPTER CHAT The intent of this column is to announce Promotions, Retirements and Deaths for the Chapters. Please find expanded Chapter Chat on our website www.fbinaa.org under the current Associate Magazine issue to stay up-to-date on what's happening in our 48 Chapters. Submit chapter news on the Chapter Chat Submission Form by the 1st of every even month. Please attach to the email high-resolution digital .jpg or .tif photos to: Susan Naragon | snaragon@fbinaa.org.
RETIREMENTS n Chief Tony Kramer , NA Session 207, Edgewood Police Department is retiring August 1st 2019. n Lt. Richie Whitford , NA Session 210, Fort Thomas Police Depart- ment is retiring August 1st 2019. NEW ENGLAND PROMOTIONS n James Falvey , NA Session 203, was promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief of Police of the Milford, MA Police Department effective in Octo- ber 2018. PROMOTIONS n Rick Smith , NA Session 176, has retired after 46 years in policing, and 15 as the Chief of the Wakefield, MA Police Department. We wish him well in retirement. n Deputy Chief Marla St. Pierre , NA Session 186, retired from the Scarborough Maine Police Department on July 3, 2019 after serving 39 years. n John O'Malley , NA Session 234, was appointed as Deputy Chief of the Scarborough Maine Police Department on July 8, 2019. NEW YOR/EASTERN CANADA PROMOTIONS n Deputy Chief Terri Tobin , NA Session 189, New York City Police Department, was promoted to two-star chief in August, becoming the fourth female assistant chief currently on the job. NORTH CAROLINA PASSINGS n James Newmeyer , NA Session 95, passed away on June 20, 2019. He was Captain of Detectives with the East Brunswick, NJ Police Department at the time of his attendance and retired in 1987. NORTHWEST PASSINGS n Captain Haans Vitek , NA Session 227, Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, MN, 53 years old, passed away of natural causes May 25, 2019. OHIO PROMOTIONS n Staff Lieutenant Chris Johnson , NA Session 247, The Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP), was recently promoted to Captain and will serve as executive officer of the Finance and Logistics section.
n Gina (Haynes) Di Napoli , NA Session 225, was sworn in as Chief of Police for the San Jose State University Police Department on July 12th, 2019. Many congratulations Gina. n James Hunt , NA Session 242, was appointed Interim Chief of Police of the Sierra Madre Police Department. He had previously retired as the Police Chief for the Monrovia Police Department. n Darrell Lowe , NA Session 249, was recently appointed as the Chief of Police for the Redmond (WA) Police Department. He was most recently a Lieutenant with the Santa Monica Police Department. n Wes Simmons , NA Session 255, was recently promoted to Chief of Police for the Chino Police Department. He was previously a Captain with the department. PASSINGS n Daniel Robbins , NA Session 132, San Bernardino Police Department (Ret.), passed away on March 17, 2019. KANSAS/WESTERN MISSOURI PROMOTIONS n AdamWeingartner , NA Session 262, was named Chief of Police for the City of Ottawa, KS in June 2019. n Jason DeVore , NA Session 234, has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Superintendent of the Kansas Highway Patrol effec- tive June, 2019. n Michael Butaud , NA Session 257, was named Chief of Police for the City of Olathe, KS in July 2019. n Glen Virden , NA Session 269, was promoted by the Kansas Bureau of Investigations to Special Agent in Charge, Western Region Special Operations Division. RETIREMENTS n SA Michael R. Miller, NA Session 259, officially retired after 21 years of service from the FBI on 05/31/19 after following in the footsteps of his father Thomas Miller, who retired from the Bureau in 1985. SA Walter ‘Bob” Schaefer, NA Session 275, will retire on 11/30/19 after 30 years of service. n Jeff Welch , NA Session 246, assumed the role as the full time Train- ing Coordinator for the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office in Madisonville, Ky on July 1st. He retired from the Henderson Police Department in June of 2018. n Frank Cates , NA Session 238, will be the new School Resource Officer for West Hopkins School in Nebo Ky as of July 31st. Frank is employed by the Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office in Madisonville, Ken- tucky. Frank retired from the Henderson Police Department in August of 2017. KENTUCKY PROMOTIONS
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