Who Should Attend Law Enforcement Commanders / School Administrators School Resource Officers / Fire/EMS Officials School Security Directors SCHOOL SHOOTING PREVENTION LEADERSHIP FORUM
JAN 8-9, 2020 QUEENS, NY FEB 4-5, 2020 SEATTLE, WA FEB 20-21, 2020 ATLANTA, GA
Each day law enforcement and school districts across the United States are responsible for protecting our almost 133,000 schools and 63 million students, faculty, and staff. The FBI National Academy Associates and the School Safety Advocacy Council have partnered and announced a series of 2-day Leadership Forums for law enforce- ment executives and school administrators throughout the coun- try. The Forums will provide attendees with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to improve the overall security of their community’s schools while developing coordinated plans for a crisis response.
APR 6-7, 2020 PHOENIX, AZ
APR 13-14, 2020 SANTA MONICA, CA
CRITICAL CONCERNS: • Review of school security trends & threat concerns
• Lessons learned: A review of past incidents • The dynamics of active assailant situation • Multi-agency response: Coordinating law enforcement, fire, EMS, and schools • Understanding and conducting a school security survey & assessment • Building capacity; Conducting Drills and Exercises
MAY 13-14, 2020 COLUMBIA, SC
JUN 16-17, 2020 DETROIT, MI
L EARN MORE and REGISTER at www.fbinaa.org/FBINAA/Training
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