T H E 2 0 1 9 A N N U A L C O N F E R E N C E S P O N S O R & E X H I B I T O R G U I D E
continued from "Sponsor & Exhibitor Guide" page 31
3SI Security Systems 3SI Security Systems’ cutting-edge GPS tracking tools apprehend criminals within minutes after a crime is committed. Concealed in bait items for electronic stakeouts or vehicles or infrastructure for long-term investigations. Contact: Amy Paterson amy_paterson@3sisecurity.com www.3si.com 5.11 Tactical We are innovators who make purpose- built gear for the most demanding missions. With a heritage of creating the authentic and original tactical pant, our vision is to define and lead. Contact: ROSHNI SEN Roshnis@511tactical.com www.511tactical.com ABtech ABtech is the official distributor of Leica Geosystem products in Quebec: 3D Laser scanner, total station, GPS, measuring tolls and accessories. We are offering training and 24/7 technical support. Alden Dimensional Media NarcanKit - the only first responder endorsed carry solution for Narcan. Deploys on belt or molle vest, insulated and rugged. Contact: Ross Seeley ross@alden.ca www.narcankit.ca American Military University American Military University (AMU) provides (100% online), quality higher education & customized training to law enforcement, military, and national security communities. Contact: Mike Harbert MHarbert@apus.edu www.amuonline.com/public-safety ASP, INC ASP represents innovative designs, flaw- less function and an unmatched standard of service in Batons, Restraints, LED Lighting, OC and Training products. Contact: Sonja Kuhn sonja.kuhn@asp-usa.com www.asp-usa.com Aptean APS Advanced Public Safety (APS) provides law enforcement technology to improve officer safety and productivity. By utiliz- ing our roadside tools, officers spend less time in precarious situations issuing citations and more. Contact: Marissa Baecker marissa.baecker@aptean.com www.aptean.com Armor Express Armor Express is a leading manufacturer and distributor of high-performance body armor systems. Contact: Adam Spinniken marketing@armorexpress.com www.armorexpress.com Axon Axon protects life by connecting devices, Contact: Luc Sylvain lsylvain@abtech.cc www.abtech.cc
apps and people onto one centralized network. Our technologies impact every aspect of an officer's day-to-day experi- ence.
tions for public-safety and law enforce- ment (RMS, Express RMS, CAD, CMS, etc.) as well as real-time records data-sharing, aggregation, and exchange through in- novative COBRA.net platform. Contact: Maggie Riker mriker@codysystems.com www.codysystems.com Columbia Southern University Columbia Southern University is a 100% online university offering flexible and affordable degree programs for the professional adult, including degrees in Criminal Justice and Homeland Security, amongst many others. Contact: Renee Wright Renee.Wright@ColumbiaSouthern.edu www.columbiasouthern.edu Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) Rebuilding shattered lives of survivors and co-workers affected by line-of-duty deaths through partnerships with law enforcement and the community. Contact: Missy Cottle missy_cottle@nationalcops.org www.concernsofpolicesurvivors.org Cyberkar systems Cyberkar™ Systems develops and inte- grates information technology solutions for emergency vehicles that simplify the user's tasks, are ergonomic, and reliable. Contact: Jonathan Boivin jboivin@cyberkar.com www.cyberkar.com DME Forensics DME Forensics is an innovative technolo- gy company focused on providing digital and multimedia evidence solutions to the criminal and civil justice communities. Contact: Rebecca Martineau marketing@dmeforensics.com www.dmeforensics.com ecoATM, LLC Since 2009, ecoATM kiosks have provided consumers with a safe, secure and in- novative way to recycle over 15 million unwanted or unused electronic devices in over 2,800 locations nationwide. Contact: Max Santiago max.santiago@ecoatm.com www.ecoatm.comlaw-enforcement Envisage Technologies Envisage builds public safety software, including Acadis®, a robust training man- agement system automating high-liability training. FirstForward®, free to join, deliv- ers and tracks online training courses. Contact: Hannah Sitz hannah.sitz@envisagenow.com envisagenow.com Extra Duty Solutions We administer extra duty programs for law enforcement agencies. We alleviate the administrative burden and financial risk and do so at no cost to your agency. Contact: Rich Milliman RMilliman@extradutysolutions.com www.extradutysolutions.com FARO Technologies FARO® is the world's most trusted source for 3D measurement, imaging and realiza- tion technology. Capture entire scenes
in 2D/3D for security pre-planning and protection instances.
Contact: Jeanine Charity jeanine.charity@faro.com www.faro.com
Contact: Allie Russo arusso@axon.com www.axon.com
FBINAA 2020 National Conference New Orleans Promotion of 2020 National Conference.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Our ministry provides 1st responder chaplains to man-made disasters throughout the world. We have sup- ported communities in the aftermath of school shootings, officer shootings, acts of terrorism, and civil unrest. Contact: Jeff Naber jnaber@bgea.org www.billygraham.org/rrt actionable intelligence, providing Video Synopsis® and Deep Learning solutions for rapid video review and search, smart alerting and quantitative video insights. Contact: Lizzi Goldmeier lizzi.goldmeier@briefcam.com www.briefcam.com California University of PA California University of Pennsylvania, Department of Criminal Justice Doctorate of Criminal Justice Program Contact: Cencich@calu.edu and Wydra@calu.edu BriefCam BriefCam transforms raw video into California University of Pennsylvania Invest to advance your career, be ready to apply the principles of legal research and policy to a range of complex government policy issues with a master's degree from CalU! Contact: Cindy Speer speer@calu.edu www.calu.edu/academics/graduate/ masters/law-public-policy/index.aspx Canopy Growth Corporation Tweed doesn't just sell cannabis, it facilitates a conversation about a product we've all heard about but haven't met intimately yet. Learn more at Tweed.com Contact: Tormi Kimsto tormi.kimsto@canopygrowth.com Cellebrite Inc. Cellebrite is the global leader in digital intelligence with more than 60,000 licenses deployed in 150 countries for law enforcement, military and intelligence, calu.edu/go 1-866-595-6348 Contact: Christopher Wydra wydra@calu.edu www.calu.edu
Contact: Tim Lentz tlentz@covla.com www.fbinaa2020.com
FBINAA Foundation The Foundation is the heart and helping hands of the FBI National Academy As- sociates, Inc., the world’s strongest law enforcement leadership network. Contact: Doug Muldoon dougmuldoon@fbinaafoundation.org www.fbinaafoundation.org
FBINAA Arizona Chapter FBINAA 2019 Conference host.
Contact: Joe Gaylord jgaylord@cap-az.com www.fbinaa2019.com
FCA Canada Inc. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles manufactures fleet specific vehicles for the commercial, government, and rental industries. Contact:
kmalloy@csgnow.com www.fcausfleet.com
FORUM-DIRECT FORUM-DIRECT is the only manufacturer delivering affordable, high performance outerwear made from the newest tech- nology GORE-TEX® and WINDSTOPPERT® fabrics directly to Law Enforcement Agen- cies from a US factory. Contact: Tom McKown tmckown@forumindustries.com www.forum-direct.com Florida Chapter FBINAA - 2021 National Retrainer Host The Florida Chapter of FBINAA was founded in 1947. We are honored to host the 2021 National Conference in Orlando and look forward to providing a great experience for all. Contact: Patricia Wells majorpatty2@gmail.com Ford Motor Company Ford Fleet brings together fleet-specific vehicles, offers and programs, along with a team of experts to insure you have the best possible vehicle purchase and leas-
ing experience possible. Contact: Robert Bonnell bbonnell@jacksondawson.com www.fleet.ford.com/
and enterprise customers. Contact: Kathleen Sellitto Kathleen.Sellitto@cellebrite.com www.cellebrite.com
Galls Galls® is proud to serve America’s public safety professionals by providing the broadest selection of uniforms, equip- ment, and solutions combined with great customer service.
Clark Nexsen Clark Nexsen is a world-class law enforce- ment and special forces training facility designer with over 30 years of successful
Contact: Susan Joseph joseph-susan@galls.com www.galls.com/
experience in the field. Contact: Janet Brooks jbrooks@clarknexsen.com www..clarknexsen.com
Gamber-Johnson LLC/Precision Mount- ing Technologies Gamber-Johnson is the preferred choice
CODY Systems Providing mission-critical software solu-
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