T H E 2 0 1 9 A N N U A L C O N F E R E N C E S P O N S O R & E X H I B I T O R G U I D E
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Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI) Representing more than 1,300 recycling industry member companies, ISRI works to prevent metals theft and assist law enforcement and prosecutors in stopping thieves. ISRI operates the Scrap- TheftAlert.com alert system.
MaestroVision Inc. MaestroVision is a software developer and hardware manufacturer providing audio and video management solutions within any professional, commercial and
of fleet managers for decades. Gamber- Johnson is a worldwide corporation with subsidiaries around the globe; Precision Mounting Technologies (PMT) in Calgary and Zirkona in Sweden Contact: Mark Furrow mark.furrow@gamberjohnson.com www.gamberjohnson.com General Dynamics Mission Systems General Dynamics Mission Systems is an innovative leader in mission critical C4ISR solutions in every domain. Explore our full spectrum of trusted solutions at gdmissionsystems. Contact: Matthew Billingsley Matthew.Billingsley@gd-ms.com Getac Video Solutions Getac Video Solutions's video capture and evidence management systemmeets the needs of your department. Body worn, dash and in car cameras integrate with a power- ful DVR capturing everything securely. Contact: Lon Bencini lon.bencini@getacvideo.com www.getacvideo.com Groupe Cambli Biggest manufacturer of Tactical and Cash and transit in north america. 100% customize trucks 100% road legal in Canada 100% EOM warranty cover. Contact: Francois Maltais francois.maltais@cambli.com www.cambli.com Guardian Alliance Technologies, Inc. Guardian Alliance Technologies Contact: Ryan Layne ryan@guardianalliancetechnologies.com www.guardianalliancetechnologies.com HP HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze. hp.com/go/vr Contact: Jay Fraser Jason.fraser@hp.com Harris Night Vision Harris Night Vision, formerly Exelis and ITT, is a world leader in the development and manufacture of ground and night vi- sion systems and image intensifier tubes. Contact: Kendra Edwards Hudson Supplies Inc Come and check out our latest LE- MIL tactical gear kit : youtube.com/ watch?v=2z94pdJULfs Contact: Marc Beaudoin defense@hudson4supplies.com www.hudsontactical.com/ InBody InBody devices provide key indica- tors of physical readiness like body fat percentage, muscle mass, and segmental balance. InBody is excited to demon- strate how our devices will enhance law enforcement training. Contact: Rea Kim rea.kim@inbody.com www.inbody.com kedwar01@harris.com www.nightvision.com
learning solutions, language, regional expertise and culture, information tech- nology, strategic communications, and intelligence services. Contact: MAUREEN MCGALLIARD maureen.mcgalliard@oakgrovetech.com www.oakgrovetech.com PACE SCHEDULER Cloud Based, Online Shift Requests, Time Bank Management, Robust Hour Reports, Manpower Warnings, Customizable Chain Of Command, Assignment And Inventory Management, Special Event Tracking Contact: Steve Mancione jwalker@pace-systems.com www.pacescheduler.com Panasonic Panasonic delivers game-changing tech- nology solutions that deliver a custom- ized experience to drive better outcomes for our customers. Contact: Nicole Figuccio nicole.figuccio@us.panasonic.com www.na.panasonic.com/us/govern- ment-public-safety Point Blank Enterprises Point Blank Enterprises, Inc. (PBE) is the worldwide leader in the development, manufacturing and distribution of high performance, protective solutions for the U.S. Military and Department of Defense, Federal Agencies Contact: Irene Chung ichung@pbearmor.com www.pointblankenterprises.com Point Blank Enterprises / First Tactical Guided by the principles of innovation and reliability, First Tactical works first– hand with real–world users to create durable products that meet the needs of public safety. Contact: Irene Chung QuikClot Z-Medica is a medical device manufactur- er of fast-acting, easy-to-use hemostatic products. QuikClot® devices help law enforcement officials provide life-saving assistance until additional medical personnel arrive. Contact: Amy Ahern aahern@z-medica.com www.quikclot.com RECONYX, Inc RECONYX cameras are used worldwide by law enforcement professionals to provide remote covert surveillance. License Plate Capture, General Surveil- lance, Cellular Notification & WiFi. Made in USA Contact: Dan Luebke Ronaldo Designer Jewelry Fine handcrafted sterling silver and 14k gold artist wire jewelry featuring the trib- ute bracelet THIN BLUE LINE (r) - Made In The USA Contact: Michael Scheser mikescheser@ronaldojewelry.com www.ronaldojewelry.com dan@reconyx.com www.reconyx.com ichung@pbearmor.com www.firsttactical.com
institutional environment. Contact: Claude Turcotte maria@maestrovision.com www.maestrovision.com
Contact: Brady Mills bradymills@isri.org www.isri.org
Mobile Concepts Specialty Vehicles Mobile Concepts Specialty Vehicles goal is to manufacture Mobile Command Cen- ters, Recruitment trailers, and Sprinter Vans that provide a mobile solution
InTime Solutions Inc. InTime was built for police by police, so you can rest assured that we understand your advanced scheduling and workforce requirements. Scheduling doesn’t have to be a full-time job! Contact: Mitch Seminow mseminow@intimesoft.com www.intime.com critical operational support to both government and commercial orga- nizations so that teammembers can instantaneously coordinate, collaborate and manage operations utilizing mobile applications. Contact: Bruce Dowlen brucedowlen@intrepid-networks.com www.intrepid-networks.com Justice Federal Credit Union Justice FCU proudly offers the "Official FBINAA VISA Rewards Credit Card." Apply today and receive a $50 statement credit towards your first purchase! Contact: Judy Pollard pollardj@jfcu.org www.justicefcu.org LeadsOnline Over 50,000 investigators use LeadsOnline to instantly search over 1 BILLION electronic transactions from secondhand stores, gold buyers, pawn shops, OfferUp, eBay and scrap dealers to locate stolen property. Intrepid Networks Intrepid Networks mission is to provide Leica Geosystems Leica Geosystems is the world leader in 3D laser scanning for public safety applications. Contact: Jennifer Bumford jennifer.bumford@leicaus.com www.psg.leica-geosystems.us/ Lenco Armored Vehicles Lenco Armored Vehicles is the nation's leading designer and manufacturer of armored tactical rescue and security vehicles. Lenco vehicles have been tested under fire and proven to save lives. Contact: Tim Mangun tmangun@lencoarmor.com www.LencoArmor.com LexisNexis Risk Solutions Accurint® Virtual Crime Center, the next generation of analytics and data sharing platforms, will help you get a complete picture of individuals, locations, and incidents. Contact: Janie Gotherman janie.gotherman@lexisnexisrisk.com www.lexisnexis.com/risk Contact: Shawna Evans office@leadsonline.com www.leadsonline.com
tailored to your needs. Contact: Chris Simon
chris@mobileconcepts.com www.MobileConcepts.com
NYPD SHIELD NYPD Shield is a membership based pri- vate-public program which is providing its program template to law enforcement agencies. This collaboration has resulted in the creation of the National Shield Network(NSN). Contact: Dino Puglia National Insurance Crime Bureau The NICB is the only organization in the United States that convenes the collective resources needed to prevent, detect and deter these crimes. Contact: Margaret Cusack mcusack@nicb.org www.nicb.org Northcentral University Northcentral University is a premier online graduate university and a global leader in providing unprecedented ac- cess to U.S. regionally accredited higher education. Contact: Heather Millward hmillward@ncu.edu www.ncu.edu Nova Southeastern University/ARSH Data from the Canada Drug Diversion Project are collected from law enforce- ment and regulatory agencies as part of an ongoing surveillance of the misuse, abuse, and diversion of prescription medications. Contact: Genevieve Martin Nuance Communications Dragon Law Enforcement. A faster, safer and more accurate way to create incident reports and enter data into the RMS, by voice. Contact: Stephani Spindel Stephani.Spindel@nuance.com www.nuance.com/dragon/industry/ dragon-law-enforcement.html Dino.puglia@nypd.org www.nypdshield.org gmartin2@nova.edu www.arsh.nova.edu/
OU Extended Campus OU Extended Campus - Online
Contact: Kasey Moore kaseymoore@ou.edu www.pacs.ou.edu
Oak Grove Technologies Oak Grove Technologies is leading the way in tactical training, web-based
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